The Incredible, Edible Egg

Breakfast Eggs

If you are a child of the 1970’s, the title of this post likely conjures up a childhood memory or two.  The catchy jingle used by the American Egg Board beginning in 1977 touted the benefits of eating eggs and helped make eggs a staple of the average middle-class American breakfast.  Unfortunately, over the last three decades, eggs have gotten a pretty bad rap and many of us avoid eating them in an effort to decrease our cholesterol and minimize our risk for heart disease.   Thankfully, new research shows that eggs do have a place in a heart-healthy, balanced diet.   Recently, the American Egg Board released an updated version of the Incredible Edible Egg jingle to bring the message into modern times.  You can do the same thing with your attitude about eggs and here is all the information you need in order to bring the incredible, edible egg back to the breakfast table.

Eggs Offer Health Benefits

When you eat eggs, you get a big bang for your nutritional buck.  According to the American Egg Board, an egg has only 70 calories but provides 13 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and a bunch of high quality protein.   Eggs offer numerous health benefits from helping to manage and maintain a healthy weight to providing important building blocks needed to build and retain muscles.  One of the nutrients found in eggs, Choline, helps keep our brains structurally healthy and aids in the communication between our brains and our bodies.  Lutein and zeaxanthin are both antioxidants found in eggs that help protect our eyes as we age.  When paired with healthy foods like fruit and vegetables, the protein in eggs can get your day started right and give you the energy to get through the first part of your day.

Eggs Don’t Hurt Your Heart

One of the main reasons many of us avoid eating eggs is the idea that eating eggs increases your risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke.  A study conducted at Harvard, shows that this isn’t the case.  This study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found there was no real difference in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease between people who ate one egg a day and those who ate one egg a week.

Eggs Don’t Cause High Cholesterol

One of the reasons eggs have been associated with an increased risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems is their high cholesterol count.  Having high cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for developing heart disease and eating foods that are high in cholesterol has been associated with increased blood cholesterol levels.  However, according to Harvard Medical School, dietary cholesterol doesn’t have a significant impact on blood cholesterol and contributes far less than the type of fats that are consumed.

Eggs Don’t Contain Hormones

In recent years, many people have raised concern that things like the use of hormones in our food production may have unforeseen, long ranging consequences for our health.  When it comes to eggs, this is something you do not have to worry about.   As explained by Arizona’s largest egg producer, Hickman’s Family Farm, hormones are not used in egg production. So, eat healthy with less worries and fill your plates with dishes made from incredible, edible eggs.

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