Featured Recipe
Medjool Date-Honey Caramel Ice Cream
The night before soak cashews in enough water to cover. Place in refrigerator. Place your ice cream churning bowl in the freezer.
Drain cashews and blend with coconut milk, agave, vanilla and one-teaspoon sea salt in a blender on high until completely smooth & creamy.
Pour mixture into the ice cream churning bowl and churn for 20-30 minutes (or according to manufacturer's recommended time)
To make the Medjool date honey caramel: Soak dates for at least ten minutes in hot water then drain. Place dates in bowl of food processor and pulse until only small bits remain. Add in honey, water, and remaining teaspoons of sea salt to the food processor bowl then pulse until mixture becomes fully incorporated. Set aside.
Working quickly pour churned ice cream into a shallow container. Swirl caramel into the ice cream and stir a little at a time to create a marbled pattern. Continue using until caramel is finished.
Place ice cream back in the freezer to set or until ready to eat.